from Awareness Journal, Vol II, No 1, Fall 1993
I would like to know who writes the articles — many times I’m confused by the first person form. ~ M.C.
I don’t quite understand why it is confusing — somebody must be writing it! If you mean “who” as in, say, “Who’s Who In Esoterica U.S.A.” the answer is nobody. I’m just an ordinary person. In the beginning I didn’t use “the first person form” much; but when occasionally I did, I got feedback that the material seemed more “real” that way, so I increased it, although my preference would be to stand much farther off and not write personally at all!
Around 1978 yours truly, Christine Thompson, attended some Science of Man classes given by a woman named Darlene; a few months later she introduced me to Rhondell. I have worked with the material every day of my life since that first day, including many years of working closely with Rhondell. A few years ago he told me (ordered me was more like it — I was extremely reluctant) to make a public contribution with what I had learned. Thus my first (monthly) newsletter, FTE (Free To Experience) A Newsletter for Women was born. I sent the first issue to about 20 or 30 women who I knew liked me and would not reject my contribution. They didn’t — it became quite popular by word of mouth and when I realized more than half the readers were men I dropped the “for Women” and broadened the scope a little. FTE was free. Eventually I became so busy with other things, and the cost to me of publishing a free publication was considerable (although many gracious people sent donations), and I dropped it. Requests for another newsletter came in several times a week the whole time (about a year?), even from people I didn’t know, so I initiated a new one, Awareness Journal, which is not free (or profitable).
I think I have dropped enough hints throughout AJ that most people know that I write (books and scripts), ghostwrite for others, and make a living typesetting and editing, and other ways. I manage Harmony Workshop as a volunteer, which basically means (now that the first video is done) typesetting the material, publishing AJ, filling orders, answering mail. There is a lot of talking with people on the telephone about their experience with the Work. Although public speaking is not one of my talents, occasionally I am asked to give a talk on the Work to other groups and so I do; and sporadically I host events which cater more to my talents, for instance Mushkil Gusha Night, book discussions, groups of women discussing challenges with the Work, etc. I have just initiated several new projects, ways of presenting Teaching material that I hope are appealing.
I like to cook, but seldom do, ditto photography, including the whole darkroom bit. I have a green thumb; I read incessantly; I am as asset in a sickroom. I’ve traveled a bit. I live alone with beautiful Leah the Cat (Miss Priss), and now three-week-old Bob the Kitten, Fearless and Steadfast. (The little guy is afraid of nothing, he is King of the Place, when Leah hisses at him he kisses her nose.)
That’s about it, really. My “qualifications” for writing the newsletter are many years of Working with the material, and what I consider “holy orders” from my Teacher to do it. (I would prefer to play.) My purpose in putting the material in this particular form, AJ, is because that’s how I communicate best to more than a few people at a time. I hope to demonstrate the practical use of the Teaching — how my friends and I experience the Work, how it fits in with daily life, how to put it to use on a moment-to-moment basis, rather than just read it, hear it, debate it, discuss it, “philosophize.” If you want to know more, call me. This is all (and maybe more than) I am willing to broadcast!
(Now: who are you???)