from newsletter archives page:

All newsletters are copyright © by Harmony Workshop, Inc. and Christine Thompson, editor.
They are presented here for your personal use.
If you would like to reprint other than for your personal use or otherwise disseminate,
click here to request permission to re-publish material .
It will most likely be given if you explain where and how it will be used. Thank you!


from AJ:

Awareness Journal c 1992 Hamony Workshop, Inc., a California nonprofit educational foundation. 

The Science of Man is copyright by Rhondell. Signed articles are copyright by the authors. All unsigned articles are copyright by Harmony Workshop, Inc. Christine Thompson, editor. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the publisher. 

Harmony workshop is supported by the contributions of time and money by people who see value in the material and by the sale of books and tapes. Free catalog available. One-year subscription to Awareness Journal (4 issues) is $25,00. Single issue $7.00. Sorry, we do not accept credit card orders at this time. 


from Sophia:

Sophia, Wise Woman’s Journal is published bi-monthly by Harmony Workshop, Inc., a California nonprofit education foundation. Unsigned articles are copyright c1994 by Harmony Workshop, Inc., Christine Thompson, Editor. The Science of Man is copyright by Rhondell, and used here with permission. Signed articles and artwork are copyright by authors or public domain. Sophia, Wise Woman’s Journal may not be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher. Harmony Workshop is supported by the sale of educational materials and by the contributions of time and money by people who see value in the information. Catalog upon request. Subscriptions are $30.00 for six issues; all current subscriptions start with Volume 1, Number 1. 


from TWOI:

THE WAY of Intelligence c 2001 by Harmony Workshop, Inc., Christine Thompson, editor. Please contact me in writing (email is fine) at if you want to copy any part of the newsletter. Harmony Workshop, Inc. is a nonprofit educational foundation which is supported by the sale of books and small leather items and especially by the contribution of time and money by people interested in the material.